At Texas Tech, a Saddle Tramp is a member of a conscientious body of students dedicated to the betterment of Texas Tech. As an ambassador of Texas Tech, the Saddle Tramp carries the responsibility of maintaining high morale, respectable conduct, and a harmonious relationship among students and the general public.
The President acts as the presiding officer and the official representative of the organization. The President shall be the head communicator and overseer of the organization. It is the President's duty to relay information and ideas between heads of the University and the organization. It is also the duty of the President to oversee the Executive committee. This includes the First Vice President, his committees, and the committee's projects within the organization.
Website Inducting University President Homecoming Centenial Story Homecoming (2) Wrapping Soapsuds and Will RogersThis project was created for CS3366 - Human Computer Interaction - Fall 2022 with Tommy Dang at Texas Tech
The purpose of the project was to create a user interface which would allow someone to quickly and easily access all of the information they may need throughout the day. The interface was designed to be shown on a screen behind a one way mirror with touch capabilities. The project utilizes P5.js to draw graphics and handle inputs as was required by the assignment.
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